Six Sigma Consultancy
Define - Measure - Analyze - Improve - Control
Broad Excellence. Excellence not only in the Supply Chain but in all the Company. Six Sigma is not only oriented to Manufacturing processes and Operations but it is oriented to attain World Class Total Quality in all the departments of a Company including Service, Electronics, Design, Finance, Food & Beverage, Oil & Energy and Mining Industries.
We are Driven by the Total Quality, Just in time and DMAIC-Six sigma Phylosophy Strategies; all three philosophies together with the firm commitment to attain quality to the World Class 3.4 defects per million of opportunities.
Our Company offers Six Sigma Consulting Services contributing with concurrent engineering and multidisciplinary teams with the firm goal of attain world Class Total Quality.
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Non-Value-Added Quality represents Reworks, Delays, Stresses Operations, Extra Time Labor, Variable and Fixed Costs Increments, Price Increments, Economic waste, Loss of sales, Loss of Market and Clients and consequently contributes to the Extinction of the Company.
What does Non-Value-Added Quality Represents For a Company?
An External Audit allows to find hidden flaws, risks and insights that are part of an inefficient standard system
Non-Value-Added (Bad Quality) involves and represents Reworks, Delays, Stresses Operations, Extra Labor Time, Variable and Fixed Costs Increments, Price Increments, Economic waste, Loss of sales, Loss of Market and Clients and consequently contributes to the Extinction of the Company.
Six Sigma - 3.4 Defects per million opportunities
1 Sigma | = | 691,462 DPMO | = | 30.85% Efficiency |
2 sigma | = | 308,538 DPMO | = | 69.15% Efficiency |
3 sigma | = | 66,807 DPMO | = | 93.32% Efficiency |
4 sigma | = | 6,210 DPMO | = | 99.38% Efficiency |
5 sigma | = | 233 DPMO | = | 99.977% Efficiency |
6 sigma | = | 3.4 DPMO | = | 99.99966% Efficiency |
Process Improvement Methodology, focused in steps variability-reduction, achieving reducing or eliminating defects in the final delivery of a product or service to the Client.
Six Sigma Program Benefits
- Establishes a strong-solid-base for Continuous Quality Improvement
- Improves Efficiency and Productivity
- Eliminates reworks
- Reduces Quality Inspection Time
- Improves intradepartmental communication
- Reduces/Eliminates Obsolete and surplus inventory
- Reduce Queue time in Administrative, Process & Production activities
- Improve Internal and External Customer Satisfaction Levels
- Reduces Costs
- Eliminates Waste and non-Value-added Activities
- Builds solid foundation to the efficient material flow
- Creates and Improves a Continuous Improvement Environment
- Measures and Improves Client Satisfaction
- Entails new market and Client attraction
- Improves Cash Flow
- Provides solid bases of communication improvement in all the company
- Improves Pre-loading and shipping times
Some of our Value-Add-Deliverables
- Six Sigma Audit Report (Reports on baseline of processes and all the Six sigma improvement tools applied; provides findings and informs on Qualitative and Quantitative areas of opportunities in Strategic, Tactical and Operative processes and procedures monitoring execution)
- Report on Quality Improvements by area
- Report on Quality Inspection time reduction
- Results of opportunity findings (value-add-opportunities)
- Detection of Improvement & Cost Reduction Opportunities
- Inform variances on Actual vs Documented Process Flow Diagram;
- List of recommendations in policies and practices
- Provide commitment and fulfillment of objectives, policies and procedures in each area/department and link in the Value chain
- Independent and Objective Evaluation of Sales Operations, Warehousing, Production and Procurement
- Other deliverables not shown in this page
Some of our key Goals in the Six Sigma Program
- Provide Experimented, Professional and Independent Information to the client company with the highest Quality-Value for Operational & Administrative Decision Making
- Reduce/eliminate the non-value-added activities in six sigma areas consulted (administrative & operational)
- Build firm foundation to Improve Quality to World Class 3.4 defects per million of opportunities
- Reduce Cost
- Eliminate rework
- Improve the Flow of Material to attain Total Quality and Just In Time Quality Philosophy
- Improve Cash Flow
- Reduce Quality Inspection Time
- Provide an Independent Opinion and Analysis of the Efficiency and effectiveness in all the Supply Chain and Administrative links
- Offer Professional Analysis on Purchasing, Warehouse and Production Personnel Productivity and Efficiency levels
- Recommend on Cost Reduction Opportunities
- Report Level of Internal and External client Satisfaction
- Provide Information of level of fulfillment Internal Client-supplier Relations
- Encourage team-work and improve professional human relations
- Other Objectives not shown in this page
Some of Our Continuos Improvement Tools
- Audit - Preventive Actions
- Audit - Corrective Actions
- Audit - Pull & Push systems
- Balance Score-Card
- Brainstorm
- Cause & Effect analysis
- Control Graph analysis
- Dispersion Diagram analysis
- DMAIC Strategy
- Flow Diagrams analysis
- House of Quality
- Histograms
- Kanban - Brand Name
- Kanban - Generic
- Method Study - MTM UAS
- Method Study - MTM MOST
- Voice of the Customer feedback system
- Six Sigma Graphic analysis
- 5`S Quality Tool
- 8D`s Quality Tool
- Quality at the Source philosophy and technique
- Five Why`s Analysis
- Pareto Analysis
- PERT Diagrams
- Project Management
- Opportunities Detection & Feedback Program
- Regresion Model
To Request a Quote Click Here
Kummerk - Consult and Audits is an authorized distribuitor in the South US, Mexico and Latin America for AviX Products. We Sell, distribute, provide training and Consultancy Services for Lean Engineering - AviX Software, OEE PsKay and E-Procurement Reverse Auction Pretsys
For more information about our Lean Manufactring Software AviX Click Here
Our Services
- Audits to Procurement Operations
- Contract Managemet
- Cost/Expenditure Analysis and Reduction
- CTPAT-NEEC certification preparation
- Due Diligence
- DFAA-DFX2 Studies
- ERP JDE - SAP Support & Trainning
- Fill Rate/Supplier Execution measurement and evaluation
- FMEA analysis and studies
- International Commerce Consultancy
- Outsourcing - WorkForce
- Product Development
- Physical count and Warehouse Audits
- Price Benchmarking
- Product Cost Administration
- Purchasing Audits and Consultancy
- Purchasing Outsourcing
- Reverse Auctioning & bidding/quoting
- RFPs, RFQs & Online Purchasing
- Six Sigma Consultancy
- Six Sigma Audit
- SMED analysis and workshops
- Supplier Activation
- Supplier Development programs
- Supply Chain Analysis
- Time & Motion analysis
- Value Chain Analysis
- OEE Software
- FMEA Software