Balance Scenarios
Simulate a new workload-equilibrium by changing processes, demand, layout or entering a new product into production.
With AviX Balnce software, leveling production, man hours and machine hours easily maximizes resource utilization.
AviX Resource Balance software visually and quickly fulfills the objective of minimizing the imbalance between Machines or Personnel while meeting the target-rate performance.
Balance or leveling is also known as production smoothing or, from its original Japanese term, heijunka.
The main objectives are to minimize Balance losses, Reducing operating costs and thus Increasing Operating Income Before Taxes (EBIT).
AviX Resource Balance analyzes cycle time, supplements, and tolerances vs customer demand; balancing workstations and production lines can be simulated with all possible data to simplify work while balancing is done quickly and easily. Balance your production line with the correct standard times by eliminating non-operational activities. Balancing work is done using these times that are updated in real time in all AviX modules. This means that you will always have up-to-date data in your balance analysis.
Product variations in organizations (differences in products, layout or demand) offers the ability to use logic rules when working with multiple variants. This makes it easy to see how the different variants (job and product options) will impact the workload at each workstation in the workflow. It also offers the ability to see how different product mixes will affect the balance and utilization of man and machine resources.
When you balance your workload in AviX line-Balance, you have full control over operations, resources, components, and tools. When you move work tasks between workstations to level the workload, you will move all the data contained in the tasks. When new balancing proposals are created, information about the tasks to be performed, the associated work instructions, as well as the material and tools will be available and connected to the affected workstation. AviX complies with Mexico´s NOM-035-STPS-2018 Psychosocial risk factors at work-Identification, analysis and prevention, petition 7.3, paragraph e) of the standard that requires an "Adequate distribution of workloads, with regular working hours" , documentation and provice evidence.
With AviX Balance Module, work operations are easily balanced between different workstations and internally among operators.
AviX Resource Balance has the ability to handle multiple operators and may be used to analyze Machine, Manpower and Human-Machine operations.
AviX visualizes (graphically and numerically) the losses caused by an unbalanced workflow.
The end result is a reduction in loss of balance and the ability to print new work instructions changed automatically.
Increase the productivity in your processes, using the latest technology
Reduce set-up time and produce more with AviX SMED!
Increase productivity and efficiency in your production line
Effective product development and greater manufacturability with AviX DFX
Control your process and increase productivity with fewer stops
Visual Ergonomics for improved working conditions
It was the means to get a clear overview of times, methods and balancing, despite lengthy processing times and very large product mix in the same line, that made Ericsson chose AviX®
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