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MTM is the acronym for Methods-Time Measurement. MTM or Methods-Time Measurement means that the time required to perform a specific task depends on the method chosen to perform the activity.
MTM proves to be the best work measurement tool to use in a new work method, showing itself as a suitable instrument for integrated use in all individual phases of the value chain.
Throughout the value-added chain, the use of MTM and LEAN in a coordinated way offers the optimal opportunity to avoid waste.

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Kummerk is a Consulting firm specialized in Operations, Engineering and Foreign Trade.
We specialize in the Audit fields and Work Study areas within the Supply Chain

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MTM Standard Times

MTM-UAS and Lean philosophies are used to analyze all the processes of a company in terms of their contribution to added value and to improve it if required. Using MTM-UAS and Lean together, along the value-added chain, means making optimal use of the synchronization of the value stream and the design of methods, in order to ensure a low-cost flow coupled with working methods efficient. MTM UAS standard times are achieved through. MTM Standard times are achieved through only one sample instead of several samples taken with the traditional system of taking standard times with the stopwatch.


Universal Analysis System after its acronym in English. MTM UAS - Base Operations system is used for Structuring, Planning, Design of Work and Determination of Times (Times and Movements) for work processes influenced by people. As well as, for the development of process blocks for Standard Operations in series and batch manufacturing.

Standard Times

With our AviX MTM, AviX MTM UAS or AviX MTM SAM software it is much easier to work, analyze and apply the philosophy of the Work Study. AviX MTM offers a centralized location for all the Time and Motion Study data with a direct link to the Process, Work Instructions, Physical or Psychosocial Work Risks and Work Balance or Line Balance in a much more agile and quick.

AviX software logo for MTM Time and Motion studies

Standardize, Level Loads and Reduce Costs

Time and Work-Study Analysis is standardized across the organization, stored in a single location, and is available for efficient review and maintenance.
Use AviX MTM to perform powerful Time and Motion studies in a single way. easy and simple.
Search, find and prioritize the improvement actions detected during the study, strengthening productivity, Improving Production and giving added value to continuous improvement.
AviX MTM is a tool that strengthens the study of work allowing you to connect to the process through video.

Areas of Use - AviX MTM Module

Waste Analysis

Through the classification of work in the five types of activities in AviX MTM - As they are: Value Added Activities, Process Operations, Waiting and Non-Operating Loss. AviX offers automated waste analysis reports

Optimize the Process

AviX MTM focuses on How does the process is done and develops?, instead of just timing tasks. Improvement plans are documented in each of the work phases, in accordance with international MTM standards, with clear goals and objectives in the action plans.

Product Costing

With AviX MTM, the Design, Planning and Audit of labor cost can be easily documented by subdividing into the cost of labor related to the production of goods, known as the direct labor cost.

Standard Times

Allows you to execute time measurement methods for production, service and maintenance environments, obtaining Standard Time up to 30% faster than other conventional forms of time and motion measurement-methods such as stopwatch.

Capability Analysis

AviX allows determining maximum workloads per worker and / or per machine, granting a maximum pace time or rate that the operation can transform inputs into outputs. Our innovative products and services AviX® has helped our customers take one step, sometimes two, to increase capacity in their production processes.

Ergonomic Studies

AviX complies with the International Labor Organization Standards and Local laws. AviX follows suggestions and Standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO) as well as those of those laws in the US or Mexico such as NOM-035-STPS-2018 and those of NMX-R-025-SCFI-2015, promoting an organizational environment favorable in the workplace.

AviX Modules

AviX Lean Software is built up of modules of functionality.
You can buy one or more modules and expand gradually as the need arises.

method picture

Avix Method

Increase the productivity in your processes, using the latest technology


Reduce set-up time and produce more with AviX SMED!

Avix Resource Balance

Increase productivity and efficiency in your production line

Avix DFX

Effective product development and greater manufacturability with AviX DFX


Control your process and increase productivity with fewer stops

Avix Ergo

Visual Ergonomics for improved working conditions

Ericsson achieves effective resource planning with AviX.

It was the means to get a clear overview of times, methods and balancing, despite lengthy processing times and very large product mix in the same line, that made Ericsson chose AviX®

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About AviX - Kummerk

AviX Method demo

AviX Method demo

AviX Resource Balance Demo

AviX Resource Balance demo

AviX SMED demo

AviX SMED demo

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