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Warehouse Inventory Counts and Audits

Reliability and Efficiency in Inventories

Many companies use an army of people belonging to several of their departments (usually Purchasing, Warehouses, Accounting or Finance, Planning and Floor / Manufacturing) for the purpose of counting the inventories on the floor and warehouses stopping the operation in a large part of the operation or even in the entire plant. Why use personnel who are not professionally trained for the counts? Why stop the operation of the company if it is so costly due to loss of productivity, efficiency, production and sales? ConsultandAudits uses trained personnel for cyclical, periodic or perpetual counts with the purpose of not stopping the operation of your company in any of its areas and providing highly reliable results due to their specialization.

Inventory Counts
This service has the particularity of supporting Companies to carry out Cyclical or Periodic or Perpetual Inventory Counts in order not to stop the operation in any of the company's areas.

The Warehouse Inventory Counts and Audits Service is not part of any other Service and / or subservice that we offer; it is a specialized external audit service. The inventory-count-audit may include the application of statistical and Quality tools in order to detect the root causes of differences in Physical Inventory vs System-related / Finance-related according to the needs of the Client. For more information on this service or request for a quote, please contact us by email using the Contact form on our website.

Warehouse audits
The main objective of this service is to analyze the logistics of the company, optimize the design of the suply-chain, its activities, distribution methods and flow of material, informational and financial, from its sources of origin to its final destinations in order to be executed in a rational and coordinated way High competitiveness focused on cost reduction and elimination of the 7 types of waste.

For more information on this service or request for a quote, please contact us by email using the Contact form on our website.

An inventory audit is a process of reviewing the level of reliability of a company's IT system vs physical inventory. Keeps track of the stocks held by the company, while keeping track of the current supply of the company.

Kummerk Group

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Operatons Consultancy and Audits Services